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Institut Technik-Theologie-Naturwissenschaften (TTN)



The Institute Technology-Theology-Natural Sciences (TTN) is a co-operating institution at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich. TTN is the result of a unique initiative. In 1992, representatives from the sciences, the economy, the Lutheran Church in Bavaria, and the university agreed with an association that laid the foundations of an institute assigned to the interdisciplinary dialogue. It is believed that many of today's most urgent problems are the consequences of divergent opinions in different cultural settings, globally, nationally, but also within the academic fields. TTN fosters the discourse of ethical problems in technology, theology, the sciences, as well as the economy and philosophy with respect to individual and collective world-views. Special attention is paid to the reflection of the underlying philosophical presuppositions of each field and the characteristic design of arguments. Finally, TTN intends to outline and direct toward the horizons of possible applications of the new technologies in accordance with the specific problematic demands. TTN is a scientific institution. As such it promotes the academic progress of young motivated researchers within the institute's thematic focuses. Furthermore, TTN offers interdisciplinary ethical expertise to companies on the free market. In project-relevant case studies, TTN develops strategies to master morally complex decision processes that emerge from the generating and branching of knowledge and its possible economical applications. TTN is a public institution. The involvement of societal groups into the academic and scientific discourse complements the institute's profile. The results of this interdisciplinary discourse are documented in a series of books called TTN-Akzente. On a semi-annual basis, TTN edits the journal ForumTTN which features ethically relevant topics, informs about the current work of the institute, and reports about recent developments in the field of biotechnology.

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Institut Technik-Theologie-Naturwissenschaften (TTN)
Marsstr. 19
80335 München

Phone: 089/5595-600
Fax: 089/5595-608
Email: ttn.institut(@)lrz.uni-muenchen.de

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