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Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry



The Institute provides its functions in teaching and research in the fields of animal genetics and animal husbandry and small livestock farming. The courses are in the framework of lectures, seminars, exercises and internships. For the courses of study agricultural science, agricultural economics and nutritional science are basic lectures on animal husbandry and hygiene offered, while in the main study in the field of animal production the core subjects are animal husbandry, animal breeding and animal genetics, molecular genetics. The research areas are in the field of animal genetics, as the scientific basis of animal husbandry, especially on the drafting of theoretical models applied for breeding and selection methods. The theoretical findings are then under the animal breeding research in the practical selection process for dairy cattle, pigs, sheep and horses were incorporated and their effects quantified. It will feature complexe and reproductive output, including product quality and its genetic basis for particular attention.

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  • Research


Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry
Olshausenstraße 40
24098 Kiel

Phone: +49-431-8802584
Fax: +49-431-8802588

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