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SFB 564: F1.4 - Optimizing the use of direct methods for environmental valuation in northern Thailand and Vietnam


Rural areas

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Rural areas

Project code: DFG SFB 564
Contract period: 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2012
Purpose of research: Basic research

There are two main methodological objectives of this project. The first objective is to improve the validity and reliability of environmental valuation using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The second objective is to decrease the cost of CVM surveys. As instruments to accomplish these goals different forms and intensities of citizen participation in the whole valuation process are employed during the different phases of this project. As a criterion for the reliability of a CVM study it was postulated that the results of a CVM survey should be independent of the interview form, i. e. with the same questionnaire a CVM survey using face-to-face interviews and a CVM survey based on a mail survey should produce the same results. If a general procedure to accomplish this goal can be found the second objective will also be reached since in this case expensive face-to-face interviews can be substituted by much less costly mail surveys. In the past phases the objects of valuation in Thailand were (1) an improvement of tap water supply and quality in Mae Rim, and (2) a flood control program protecting the city of Chiang Mai from flooding. In Vietnam, the social value of a government program to reduce the risk of landslides in Yen Chau district was assessed. An important methodological goal in F1 in both countries was the further improvement and standardized employment of so-called 'Citizen Expert Groups' (CEG) in CVM studies. These groups consisting of 10 persons each are gathered several times in the course of a CVM study according to a fixed agenda. In these meetings, the CEG members are involved in every step of planning and designing the CVM surveys. In phase four further geographical up-scaling as well as further deepening of the methodological analysis of the CVM is planned. In Thailand the social value of a pesticide control program for northern Thailand will be assessed. The intensive use of pesticides in the uplands area is of serious concern to Chiang Mai citizens. Pesticide accumulation in the soil, water and food leads to pesticide contamination of the natural ecosystems and to negative consequences for consumers’ health. in Vietnam, the willingness to pay (WTP) of Hanoi residents for a comprehensive landslide protection program for northern Vietnam will be assessed. Since the population of Hanoi is rather heterogeneous in terms of socio-demographic characteristics valuable insights regarding the influence of such characteristics on WTP for environmental protection are expected.

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