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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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Institute for Ecosystem Research (ÖSF)



The pilot theme of our research is the analysis of ecosystems: understanding their developments, assessing and evaluating human influences on them, conceptualizing and recommending their sustainable forms and uses. We are researching the complex dynamics of the world's ecosystems by means of modern, interdisciplinary, systems analysis. Our research groups and their projects are currently active in northern, mid-, southern and southeastern Europe; the Near East; northern and eastern Asia; Latin America; and on islands of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

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  • Research


Institute for Ecosystem Research (ÖSF)
Olshausenstr. 40
D-24089 Kiel

Phone: 0431 880-4030
Fax: 0431 880-4083
Email: office(@)ecology.uni-kiel.de

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