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SFB 564: D6.1 - Improving fruit set and quality standards of mango in the mountainous area of Vietnam


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: keine Angaben
Contract period: 01.01.2006 - 01.01.2009
Purpose of research: Basic research

A major problem in mango production in Northern Vietnam is a premature fruit drop. However, the underlying plant processes in response to environmental and/or crop management factors are not understood. There is a general belief that this phenomenon is caused by different combinations of stressing factors which may vary between different regions and sites. In the mountainous area of northern Vietnam (Son La Province), fruit drop in mango may be caused by relatively hot, dry prevailing winds which typically occur in February/March. Consequently, it has to be determined which plant process responds sensitively to specific environmental conditions and subsequently causes, through its alteration, premature fruit drop. The identification of the physiological basis of premature fruit drop not only is of scientific interest but also of commercial significance, allowing the development of effective, fruit drop reducing crop management strategies and thus ensuring a economically sustainable cultivation of mango in this region. The research project has two main parts; environmental crop physiology and fruit quality. The environmental crop physiology part investigates whether premature fruit drop is caused by high temperature/vapour pressure deficit (VPD) conditions and related to: 1. temperature dependence of pollen tube growth and flower quality; 2. altered carbon fixation and carbon partitioning between sources (leaves) and sinks (fruit), thus possible limitations of carbon supply to developing mango fruit; 3. altered basipetal auxin export from fruit and fruit ethylene concentration. The fruit quality part will primarily carry out sensory fruit analyses and establish harvest quality criteria with the aim to improve the economic returns and thereby the economic situation of the fruit growers in the long-term.

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