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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Projects of the funding programme "DFG - Collaborative Research Centre (SFB)"

A comparative cellular atlas of phenotypic plasticity in leaves

Project code: DFG-512328399
Excutive institution: University of Potsdam
Contract period: 2024 - 2026


Agricultural crisis, structural change and farm management strategies in Northern Togo. The local dimension of worldmarket, government and household in a rural region of West Africa

Project code: keine Angaben
Excutive institution: Institute of Geosciences and Geography
Contract period: 2008 - 2010


Analyses of microbial communities at biogeochemical interfaces and their interaction with organic pollutants in soil

Project code: JKI-EP-08-1115
Excutive institution: Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics
Contract period: 2010 - 2014


Analysis of SLM-dependent signal transduction mediating floral organ shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

Project code: TP A02
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Developmental Biology
Contract period: 2011 - 2015


Analysis of the function of alcohol dehydrogenase in defense/stress response and metabolic regulation

Project code: TP B09
Excutive institution: Chair of phytopathology
Contract period: 2011 - 2015


Behaviour and transport of micoplastics in disturbed and in-situ soils

Project code: 391977956
Excutive institution: Department of Ecological Microbiology
Contract period: 2019 - 2021


Biodiversity of Nitrate-Reducing Microbes in Grassland Soils by Massive Cultivation and Genomics (BE-Cult)

Project code: keine Angabe
Excutive institution: Institute for Landscape Biogeochemistry
Contract period: 2017 - 2020


Biogenesis and maintenance of plant vacuoles

Project code: TP A06
Excutive institution: Department of Plant Systems Biology
Contract period: 2011 - 2015


Bioinformatics of genomes and transcriptomes

Project code: TP Z02
Excutive institution: Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Contract period: 2011 - 2015


Biotechnological applications of natural defense mechanisms

Project code: TP B05
Excutive institution: Institute for Genetics
Contract period: 2011 - 2015


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