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Protection of bogs and fens in Germany
Project code: TI-LR-08-PID1393
Contract period: 01.10.2011
- 31.10.2014
Purpose of research: Applied research
Bogs and fens are an important habitat for many animal and plant species. Furthermore, natural bogs and fens provide diverse ecosystem services (eg., water retention, carbon storage). However, less than 5% of the German bogs and fens are in a near-natural state. Particularly in the case of an agricultural use many of the above functions are impaired. Agriculturally used peatlands are one of the main emission sources of greenhouse gases in Germany. Therefore the restoration of peatlands has been increasingly discussed as a climate mitigation measure.
In the new funding already existing and successful approaches to protect peatlands are continued. Some Länder even significantly increased their efforts. The reform of the CAP's 1st pillar (direct ayments) of the CAP and inparticular the Greening will hardly have any positive impact on the protection of peatlands. The reform of the 2nd pillar of the CAP (rural development measures) has given a great flexibility to the Länder to implement conservation measures in peatlands.
Section overview
- Agroecology
- Agricultural Policy
- Resource management
- Climate Change
Framework programme
Funding programme
Excutive institution
Participating institutions
- Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
- University of Hohenheim (UH)
- Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (CAU)
- University of Muenster (WWU)
- Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
- Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture (TI-AK)
- University of Stuttgart
- University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT)