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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

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Coordinated projects of "University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover"

Hygienic status of directly selled and traded game from various hunting grounds in Germany

Project code: 2804HS063
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2005 - 2008


Studies on the importance of cell transmitted immunity in the protection against the avian Metapneumovirus infection

Project code: keine Angaben
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2004 - 2050


Molecular adaptation mechanisms of urea metabolism ruminant goats at different dietary nitrogen and energy supply

Project code: keine Angaben
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2004 - 2007


Development of Genetic Markers for Immune Defence and Resistance in the Porcine Respiratory Tract, Projects 1-4: Infection, Proteinbiochemistry, Immunology

Project code: 0313389A
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2005 - 2008


Collaborative project: FUGATO-plus - RePoRI - the development of genetic markers for resistance to respiratory infections in pigs; project Tiho

Project code: 0315129A
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2008 - 2011


Collaborative project: FUGATO-plus - MeGA-M - Metabolomische and genomic analysis of milk for healthy dairy cows; project Tiho Hanover

Project code: 0315131G
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2008 - 2011


Ares: Process engineering and optimization of the microbiological material implement primarily cellulosic agricultural residues to produce biogas

Project code: 105.1-3234/
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2008 - 2011


Studies on dioxin contamination of Sheep held close to the river Elbe to determine whether a use of those animals as food, under certain defined Fattening is possible

Project code: 201.1-44104-251
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2008 - 2008


Disinfection of germ-contaminated air in stables and farm sheds, taking into account animal health, veterinary and environmental aspects

Project code: Referat 203
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2006 - 2008


Scientific project on the field study concerning the further development of minimum requirements in chicken fattening.

Project code: 204.1-42503/2-700
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2008 - 2009


Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions of "University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover"

Collaborative project: Sustainable prevention and eradication of footrot in sheep - subproject 1

Project code: 281B102216
Excutive institution: Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Contract period: 2018 - 2021


Investigations to test the practical abandonment of beak trimming in laying hens at farms

Project code: keine Angabe
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Welfare and Behavior
Contract period: 2011 - 2012


Modeling of population size and spatial distribution of minke whales in the Antarctic pack ice on the basis of sea and airborne wildlife sightings

Project code: 2811HS015
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2011 - 2015


Survey to estimate the harbour porpoise population in the western Baltic Sea

Project code: 2812HS010
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2012 - 2012


Wildlife census

Project code: ML Referat 406
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2013 - 2013


Game management

Project code: ML Referat 406
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2013 - 2013


Study of wild boar

Project code: ML Referat 406
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2013 - 2013


Protection of blackgame

Project code: ML Referat 406
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2013 - 2013


Predation of small game

Project code: ML Referat 406
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2013 - 2013


Study of wild boar in Süsing

Project code: ML Referat 406
Excutive institution: Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Contract period: 2013 - 2013


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