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Coordinated projects of "University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover"

Collaborative project: Further developments on small group systems ('Kleingruppenhaltung”) for laying hens – Subproject 4

Project code: 2813600407
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2008 - 2012


Ways of ensuring a supply of drinking water for grazing animals in the area of the drainage district boards Butjadingen and Stadland Wesermarsch

Project code: keine Angaben
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2009 - 2010


venia legendi: Nutrition

Project code: 62522861
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2007 - 2010


Nitrogen restriction in growing goats: endogenous regulation of the handling of urea, effects on microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and influence on the Elektrolythomöostase

Project code: 154279969
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2009 - 2010


Simulation of stress distribution and deformation in equine cheek teeth using the finite element method (FEM)

Project code: 115362870
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2009 - 2010


Gastrointestinal absorption of potassium and importance of potassium and insulin for the abomasal motility in ruminants

Project code: DFG 62522877
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2007 - 2010


Development of a vaccine vector based on a replication-defective virus of vesicular Stromatitis for poultry to prevent avian influenza

Project code: DFG 41243379
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2007 - 2010


The retention of the S protein of the virus of transmissible gastroenteritis of swine (TGEV): Importance and interaction with viral and host cell\'s own proteins

Project code: DFG 34957530
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2007 - 2010


Control of restricted trophoblast invasion - role of fibroblast growth factors in the model of the bovine placenta

Project code: DFG 29712650
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2006 - 2010


Effects of maternal undernutrition during pregnancy and postnatal high fat nutrition on preference for voluntary exercise versus eating: Relations between behavioural changes and endocrine and metabolic profiles

Project code: DFG 24286394
Excutive institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Contract period: 2006 - 2008


Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions of "University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover"

Collaborative project: Measuring system for an automated early diagnosis of lameness in cattle through analysis of the sound of movement in cattle - subproject 3

Project code: 2817902215
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2016 - 2019


Current use of perches in the broiler breeder management and their suitability for use and animal health (status quo survey)

Project code: ML Referat 204.1
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2016 - 2017


Collaborative project: Automated animal welfare monitoring in poultry. Subproject 1

Project code: 2817903515
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2017 - 2019


Automated behavioural enrichment for poultry – development of an innovative system to improve animal welfare

Project code: ML-Referat 304/EIP-Agri-Nr. 19
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2016 - 2019


Development and testing of an animal and environmentally friendly innovative housing for fattening and breeding rabbits under practical conditions

Project code: ML-Referat 304/EIP-Agri-Nr.17
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2016 - 2019


Alternative methods - Joint research project: 3R-Schooling for Methodological approaches to Reduce Animal Tests. Subproject 1: Coordination

Project code: 031L0113A
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2018 - 2021


Approach to improve animal health and stable climate in turkey fattening husbandry in Lower Saxony

Project code: EIP-Agri-Ni-2019-LPTTSKB
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2019 - 2021


Investigation of animal welfare-environment-interaction of dairy cows. Subproject 2

Project code: 28N1800003
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2020 - 2024


Collaborative project: Cross innovation and digitisation in animal-friendly pig farming, taking into account the protection of resources - 'DigiSchwein advise, qualify and promote'. Subproject 5

Project code: 28DE109E18
Excutive institution: Institute for Animal Health, Animal Welfare and Behaviour of Farm Animals
Contract period: 2020 - 2024


Determination of causes of bovine neonatal Pancytopenie

Project code: 2810HS025
Excutive institution: Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Contract period: 2010 - 2012


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