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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Projects of the funding programme "DFG - Research Grants"

A behavioural economic analysis of moral hazards in food production: the case of deviant economic behaviour and disclosure policies on the restaurant, ready-to-eat and retail level

Project code: keine Angabe
Excutive institution: Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften
Contract period: 2011 - 2014


A Deep Learning analysis method for large-scale automated detection of individual tree crowns and for classification of tree species (ML4iTree)

Project code: DFG 494541002
Excutive institution: University of Goettingen
Contract period: 2022 - 2024


A game-theoretic and institutional anlysis of moral hazards and social dilemmas: the case of behavioural food risks and white-collar crime in agri-food chains

Project code: DFG 42778996
Excutive institution: Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences
Contract period: 2007 - 2010


Acclimatization and mortality: How European forests react to increasing drought stress

Project code: DFG-539441548
Excutive institution: Geographisches Institut
Contract period: 2024 - 2026


Acquisition and use orientations as determinants for the expression of village profiles (Hesse-Kassel in 1737)

Project code: DFG
Excutive institution: Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Contract period: 2012 - 2014


Activation tagging in aspen using an inducible two component Ac/Ds-enhancer element system

Project code: DFG 13020377
Excutive institution: Institute of Forest Genetics
Contract period: 2005 - 2011


Active and passive microwave remote sensing for application on vegetation/soil and snow/soil

Project code: 266288869
Excutive institution: Agrosphere Institute
Contract period: 2015 - 2019


Adaptation of fatty acid metabolism during lactation in the sow and the possible role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha)

Project code: 163207368
Excutive institution: Institute of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Physiology
Contract period: 2009 - 2010


Adaptations and counter-adaptations in the coevolutionary arms race of a baculovirus and its insect host

Project code: JKI-BI-08-1188
Excutive institution: Institute of Biological control
Contract period: 2012 - 2015


Adaptive introgressions in hybrid swarms between wild and cultivated barley in Israel

Project code: 460265804
Excutive institution: Department of Genebank
Contract period: 2021 - 2023


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