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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Taraxacum koksaghyz as a sustainable local source for latex, rubber and inulin (TARULIN II)


Project code: 031B0059I
Contract period: 01.02.2017 - 31.01.2020
Budget: 15,360 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

Taraxacum koksaghyz (Russian dandelion) is an undemanding plant that requires little fertilizer for its growth and that can be cultivated on marginal soil. It is an excellent source to provide industry with high-quality latex, rubber and inulin. These raw materials are the basis for the production of various products of daily use and therefore, of high commercial interest. Driven mainly by the dynamic growth in the Asia/Pacific region the demand especially for natural rubber is growing, so that alternative, sustainable sources are of immediate need. Although T. koksaghyz has been successfully cultivated in years of rubber and latex shortage, its (re)-introduction into modern agriculture requires major R&D programs on breeding, agronomy, raw materials extraction and utilization of raw materials in products. The main aim of the proposed project “TARULIN” is to provide this information along the entire value chain. “TARULIN” will develop i. elite T. koksaghyz breeding material with improved root architecture, an enhanced latex fluidity and a stabilized pool of long-chain inulins (Breeding), ii. a “good agricultural practise” for large-scale cultivation of T. koksaghyz (Agronomy) and iii. eco-friendly extraction protocols for raw materials (Processing). Further, it will utilize T. koksaghyz raw materials for the development of first prototypes (Characterisation and prototype development). To complete these tasks, expert partners from industry and academia have joined forces to form a strong, interdisciplinary innovation alliance that will allow addressing all areas of R&D with significant success.

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