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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

The aim of Reduction2025 is to connect all parts of the food chain, including agriculture, producers, grocery and consumers, in order to inform about the progress on reduction of salt, sugar and fat in food products. Furthermore, the platform intends to built a fundament for cooperation and trust (Reduction2025)


Project code: 281A608X19
Contract period: 06.11.2020 - 05.11.2023
Budget: 874,872 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The networking and transfer project "Reduction2025” is intended to continue the already successful event and workshop series "Reduction2020” and to make it available to a wide range of participants from the food industry, the food trade, the raw material and ingredient suppliers. In addition, the consumer perspective should also be included in the development workshops, as both consumer associations and consumers themselves can take part in the events. In addition to the motivation to significantly expand the group of participants, the transfer of knowledge to both experts and consumers is another goal. In cooperation with the DLG, the content of past events was published in the "Expert Knowledge" format and emerged from the Reduction2020 ThinkTank the "30 best tips for your diet" and "Food in times of food insecurity" were published as a self-publishing projects for consumers. These proven formats will be used for further implementation and additional communication channels will be opened up. The innovative character of the networking and transfer project is the application and combination of methods for creativity, brainstorming, networking and digital communication. For example, a webinar lecture by Doux Matok from Israel was offered to the participants. Store checks in the supermarket combine the real consumer situation with product development concepts in the workshop phase. By integrating the "SysExchange" method developed in the Reduction2020 format, the exchange among the participants is promoted and networking among the participants is created. In addition, digital surveys, feedback and evaluation tools provide valuable feedback for the participants themselves before, during and after the events, as well as for the identification of relevant and current topics for controlling and developing future events and networking formats.

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