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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: Improvement of the system Smart-DDS. Subproject 2



This project contributes to the research aim 'Risks'. Which funding institutions are active for this aim? What are the sub-aims? Take a look:

Project code: 28RF5IP040
Contract period: 01.06.2016 - 31.05.2018
Budget: 159,267 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

The aim of the project is to improve an application to automatically identify plant pests with mobile devices. This application was developed in an Innovation Project using the example of leaf diseases on sugar beet. In the present project, the following topics will be addressed: a) The image processing routines on the mobile device are to be enhanced. The use of additional image filters, an optimised image size and the adaptation to device specifics is expected to improve the identification and clipping of leaf lesions. The app is to run on all relevant mobile operating systems. b) The app is to be extended to cereal leaf diseases. Firstly, the image processing on the mobile device will have to be adapted to the specific conditions when taking a photograph of a cereal leaf. The server-sided detection algorithm will also have to be modified according to the different characteristics of cereal leaf diseases. With a user-friendly, ready-to-market application, the farmer will be supported more efficient to be in line with the guidelines of integrated plant protection. Thus a) threshold oriented pesticide applications are fostered and b) misuse minimised. Furthermore, the usage of a modern IT tool reduces the expenditures of time and labour for the advisory services in order to support the individual farmer. The partners involved will focus on the following tasks: ZEPP will further develop the mobile application and ISIP is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the server-sided components as well as the adaptation of the detection routines to cereal leaf diseases. KWS will provide for an image database with well diagnosed leaf disease symptoms and will carry out greenhouse trials with systematically infected plants. All partners will participate in testing and optimisation of the app with respect to usability and performance.

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