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Collaborative project: Breeding optimisation of honey bees in organic beekeeping using sensors - subproject B (Breedwatch)


Project code: 281C304B19
Contract period: 02.02.2021 - 01.02.2024
Budget: 81,569 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: prevention, data management, bees, animal breeding, epizootic, animal health, digital world, husbandry techniques, processing

The aim of the project is the optimization of breeding selection with the help of sensors in honey bees to improve bee health and productivity. The varroa mite introduced from Asia is currently one of the biggest problems in beekeeping. Untreated, this parasitosis usually leads to the death of bee colonies. The control is mainly done with chemical means, in organic beekeeping with less selective organic acids and essential oils, which on the one hand burdens the vitality of the colonies and on the other hand the whole beekeeping industry through recurring costs of means and labor. The starting point "prevention by breeding for selection characteristics", such as varroa-sensitive hygiene behaviour (VSH) and low varroa reproduction (SMR), has decisive economic significance here and thus leverage effect for the sustainable relief of the entire beekeeping sector. However, the successful breeding work and the breeding value estimation of honey bees requires solid expert knowledge and time-consuming efforts of the breeder. Also regular intensive controls to assess the condition of the respective breeding colony by the breeder are necessary, but detrimental to the health of the colony. The use of sensor technology to support breeding selection offers considerable potential here compared to conventional breeding management to accelerate and improve breeding progress. The aim of the project is to optimize breeding work by identifying objective indicators through AI-supported data exploration. For this purpose, breeding populations are continuously monitored by sensors and correlated with the breeding traits recorded by the breeder. In addition to general parameters such as population strength and development, VSH, SMR, swarm tendency and winter breeding tendency are investigated to enable improved breeding progress.

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Excutive institution

Ivan Curic Imkerei

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