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Unravelling and epidemiology of the Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex and characterization of pathogen induced defense reactions in soybean


Project code: 2815EPS082
Contract period: 03.05.2021 - 30.04.2024
Budget: 232,223 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: crop production, climate (climate relevance, climate protection, climate change), sustainability, crop production, pant diseases (virusus, bacteria, fungi, phytoplasma), soybean

Soybean production in Germany has been steadily increasing in the past and is still growing rapidly. This is due to an increasing demand for regional and non-genetically modified soybean. It can be expected that the increase in soybean production is associated with an increasing pathogen pressure. Among the most relevant soybean pathogens that might lead to huge losses in Germany is the Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex (DPC). In preliminary work we have isolated 32 DPC isolates which were classified into four species: Diaporthe longicolla, D. caulivora, D. eres, and D. novem. We also managed to establish a quadruplex real time PCR (qPCR) to specifically distinguish the four species. We aim to develop our qPCR assay into a standard procedure for the diagnosis of DPC in seeds, plants, and soil. In parallel we want to detect mycotoxins produced by DPC using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectroscopy (HPLC-MS) for implementation in quality control measures of soybean seed lots. We will use our qPCR assay to establish the distribution and the incidence of the four DPC species in Germany by sampling seed lots, plant material and soil from different locations. In addition we will further characterize our isolates regarding disease development, mating type, virulence on different German soybean cultivars and production of mycotoxins. Another aspect of these experiments is to determine the most resistant soybean cultivars. Here we will also establish mechanisms of soybean resistance against DPC by measuring markers for plant defense reactions. Together with the latter experiment we will establish possibilities to induce resistance against DPC by biocontrol agents. Altogether our results will contribute to better detection of DPC in soybean in Germany, healthier soybean, and more and sustainable soybean production.

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Excutive institution

University of Hohenheim (UH)

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