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New preparations and methods for hybrid systems of conventional and organic arable farming


Environment and ressource management

This project contributes to the research aim ' Environment and ressource management'. Which funding institutions are active for this aim? What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Environment and ressource management

Project code: EIP-Agri-Sa-2021-LPTPPG
Contract period: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023
Budget: 601,992 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: farming practice/activity, plant production and horticulture, fertilisation, soil

In multi-factorial randomized trials at representative sites in the crop rotation of winter wheat, barley and canola and on other crops, soil additives, biostimulants, biofungicides and seed treatment products from various manufacturers are tested for their effect on nutrient supply, plant health and yield. The aim is to evaluate their use as a supplement to modern (integrated) crop protection in arable farming in a technically and scientifically accurate manner. In this way, usable variants with 'hybrid systems' from conventional and organic farming systems for controlling diseases and pests are to be tested in practice, and potential savings from environmentally friendly technologies are to be developed.

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