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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: Joint research project: Identification of optimisation potentials for an environmental friendly production of milk and milk products - subproject 1


Project code: 2817400811
Contract period: 01.05.2012 - 30.04.2014
Budget: 129,993 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

For the research project 'derivation of environmental optimisation potentials for the production of milk and dairy products' which was founded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, a life cycle assessment of the production and use of milk (fresh and UHT), yoghurt (natural and fruit flavour), sliced cheese and powdered milk in Germany was conducted. The impact of individual life cycle phases was deduced and optimisation potentials were identified. Further project results include the quantified share of the assessed dairy products in the national burden of important environmental impact categories, an overview on the dairy industry's developments since 1990 and the associated environmental impacts as well as a comparison to other producing countries. In addition to the final report, an 'energy and greenhouse gas calculator for the German dairy industry' was developed. It can be applied by dairy sites or other interested users in order to calculate the energy and greenhouse gas balances of specified products and production sites (download and further information via www.ifeu.de bzw. www.milchindustrie.de).

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