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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Development of a computerized decision support system to prevent pea moth damage in field peas


Project code: 2812OE034
Contract period: 10.06.2015 - 31.12.2018
Budget: 118,426 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The project aims to develop a computerized decision support system (DSS) which facilitates the prevention of pea moth damage at farm planning level, particularly in organic green peas. Four collaborative project partners (Uni-Kassel-FÖP, Gäa e.V., ZEPP Bad Kreuznach und LLFG) collect data sets from three distinct model regions concerning the dynamics of pea moth infestation in space and in time, the respective crop phenology as well as climatic data in four consecutive cropping cycles, augmented by climate chamber experiments to assess degree day estimates for the crop and the pest. At ZEPP Bad Kreuznach, these modular datasets are integrated into an internet based decision support system (DSS) which is continuously validated throughout the ongoing project. Based on these calculations the DSS predicts pea moth emergence, egg deposition and larval development and will provide high resolution risk maps.

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