Logo of the Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

AIDA - Alliances for information and service agencies for the clustering of horizontal coordination tasks in quality, health and risk management of the meat industry

The networking project is primarily designed to improve competitiveness and innovative economic power in animal husbandry cooperatives (Viehverwertungsgenossenschaften – VVG) and producer communities (Erzeugergemeinschaften – EZG) which generally have small and medium-sized structures. They represent the actual target group of the innovation programme's promotion concept. Through developing technical and organisational concepts in the organisational structure and workflow management of inter-company quality, health and risk management systems of supplier chains for the meat industry the VVGs and EZGs for the first time receive further-reaching competencies. They will become a type of network integrators in supplier management of slaughterhouses, which decisively strengthens their competitive position.

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AIDA - Alliances for information and service agencies for the clustering of horizontal coordination tasks in quality, health and risk management of the meat industry

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