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Characterization of the composition of plant-based Foods (macronutrients, vitamines, phytochemicals)


Food and consumer protection

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Food and consumer protection

Project code: MRI-OG-02-07
Contract period: 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2021
Purpose of research: Basic research

The quality of plant products is based on the content of value adding compounds. In addition to the main nutrients, vitamins and phytochemicals are ? among others ? such compounds and they are considered to be health beneficial compounds. The analysis of these compounds is done by analytical methods, such as high performance liquid chromatography with UV/Vis detection or mass spectrometric detection. Besides fruit and vegetables, also coffee, cocoa, tea, spices, herbs, nuts, and mushrooms are object of the investigations. Aim of our research activities is the analysis of the above mentioned compounds in the basic foods and in corresponding processed products, e.g. juices, preserved foods, convenience products, as well as after production of consumption ready products in the household (e.g. apple cake). These results will provide data for nutrient databases.

BLS-Version II.4 / BLS-Kooperationsplattform (www.bls.nvs2.de);
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Bognar, A, Piekarski, J, Guidelines for recipe information and calculation of nutrient composition of prepared foods (dishes), Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2000, 13, 391-410;
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Bognar, A, Kellermann, C, Ballaststoffgehalt von Dinkel: Vergleichende Untersuchung über den Gehalt an Gesamtballaststoffen in vier verschiedenen Dinkelsorten sowie Weizen und Roggen, Ernährungs-Umschau, 1994, 41, 454-5;
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