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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Research projects by research aims

Research aim Ongoing Projects Finished Projects All Projects
Climate change 317 1138 1455
Environment and ressource management 195 1981 2176
Food and consumer protection 150 2345 2495
Global Food security 33 479 512
Production processes 761 7483 8244
Risks 21 1096 1117
Rural areas 19 417 436

Research projects contribute to specific framework programs. They pay into a research aim. Which contribution for which aim is made, FISA shows this using the overview Research projects by research aims.

The political and social challenges determine the aims of public research funding and thus the respective research areas of the framework programmes. The many different thematic challenges are bundled in FISA in seven research aims.

The seven research aims are:

  • Food and consumer protection,
  • Global food security,
  • Climate change,
  • Rural areas,
  • Production processes,
  • Risks and
  • Environmental and resource management.

They are divided into research sub-aims. The research sub-aims are aspects of the respective aims and make it possible to lay a grid over the different research areas. The research aims are therefore a benchmark for comparing the research strategies on a content basis.

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