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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Moorgut Kartzfehn



A historical moment in Kartzfehn: in May 1957, seventy Beltsville turkey poults hatched from hundred eggs, signalling the birth of a turkey breeding company, which has now become the leader in Germany. Moorgut Kartzfehn, handed down through generations of the v. Kameke family, initially specialised in agriculture and horticulture, In the late 50`s the idea was mooted of utilising areas from which the peat had been removed to start up a third operation: modern turkey housing on American lines. This was a project which required a good deal of pioneering spirit and courageous decisions. Initial successes spurred on the extension of the extension of this small facility. A decision to change over to the heavy, broad-breasted turkey brought a major breakthrough. Since then, turkey production in Kartzfehn has been characterized by expansion and innovation. In 1991, Kartzfehn took over what had been the largest turkey breeding company in the former GDR, located in Neuglienicke in Brandenburg. Consistent application of scientific developments in breeding, housing, feeding, incubation and hygiene, and exemplary co-operation with German commercial growing farms and processing companies helped the company developing into the market leader and trend-setter of the national turkey industry within only few years. Kartzfehn will continue to meet the challenges of competition by concentrating on pathfinding technologies, quality and reliability. And our partners in the turkey industry will be involved in this development.

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Moorgut Kartzfehn
Postfach 1261
26217 Bösel
Lower Saxony

Phone: +49(0) 44 94 88188
Email: vertrieb(@)kartzfehn.de

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