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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

The proHolz Tirol association (proHolz Tirol)



proHolz Tirol is divided into the business units Holzinformation, Holzcluster und Holzbaulehrstuhl (Timber Engineering Unit).
Within the association, proHolz Tirol bundles the activities for an increased use of wood - an ecologically and economically valuable natural product - along the entire forestry-timber value chain. Consumers, experts, private individuals and government decision-makers receive comprehensive information about the strengths and advantages of wood. proHolz Tirol supports the collaboration between companies for the purpose of product and market development, and promotes their links to research institutions.

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  • Research Support


The proHolz Tirol association (proHolz Tirol)
Wilhelm Greil Straße 7
6020 Innsbruck

Phone: +43 512 564727

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