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Forschungsinformationssystem Agrar und Ernährung

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SFB 806 Z2: Data Management and Data Services


Ländlicher Raum

Dieses Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zum Forschungsziel „Ländlicher Raum“. Welche Förderer sind dazu aktiv? Welche Teilziele gibt es dazu? Schauen Sie nach:
Ländlicher Raum

Förderkennzeichen: DFG SFB 806
Laufzeit: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
Forschungszweck: Projektvorbereitende Maßnahme

Data storage and exchange in interdisciplinary research projects, that focus on spatially distributed field data collection in an organised framework are key issues. The overall and sustainable success of such projects depends on the well organised data management and data exchange of/for all projects. Therefore, the aim of this project is to solve the main problems of data storage and exchange within an interdisciplinary project by using a complex spatial database that allows the management of heterogeneous spatial and attribute data. Besides geographical and attribute data, e.g. multi-scaled field maps, this database includes metadata, literature, file management, project staff and publication, as well as picture and video data and provides as a basis for the external and internal presentations of partial results and conclusions. A special focus is the sustainable use of all gathered data within the proposed CRC also after the project is finished.

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Geographisches Institut

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