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SPP 1149: Genetic Analysis of Heterosis in Rapeseed (B. napus L.)



Dieses Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zum Forschungsziel „Produktionsverfahren“. Welche Förderer sind dazu aktiv? Welche Teilziele gibt es dazu? Schauen Sie nach:

Förderkennzeichen: DFG SPP 1149
Laufzeit: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2009
Forschungszweck: Grundlagenforschung

The general objective of the proposed project is a comparative genetic analysis of heterosis in rapeseed by QTL mapping in different mapping populations. In Göttingen a segregating doubled haploid population will be developed from a cross displaying high heterosis and a genetic map will be developed using SSR markers. QTL for yield and yield related traits as well as some morphological traits showing heterosis will be mapped in testcrosses of the doubled haploid population and will be characterized with respect to additive and dominance effects as well as epistatic interactions and their contributions to heterosis. The results will be compared with results from a parallel project conducted at the University of Gießen (Dr. R. Snowdon & Prof. W. Friedt) on a different mapping population. The two projects will identify and characterize QTL involved in heterosis in rapeseed and will for the first time provide information on the following questions: - What are the contributions of different genetic effects, e.g. dominance, overdominance and epistasis to the expression of heterosis in rapeseed? - Are similar sets of QTL involved in the expression of heterosis in different crosses of rapeseed? - Are the contributions of different genetic effects to the expression of heterosis similar in the two crosses?

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