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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Projects on "1.2 Development of methods for identification and characterization of risks of unwanted substances in food and feed"

Differential expression of glutathione-S-transferases in Caco-2 cell line as indicator of the effects of phytochemicals

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-1322-284
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2007 - 2007


Differentiation of herring, cod and flounder populations from different fishing grounds of the Baltic Sea and the North Atlantic by DNA-analysis

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-1329-044
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2007 - 2007


Effect of plant sterols star on the protein pattern in blood mononuclear cells of healthy women

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-1322-231
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2006 - 2006


Elaboration of an analytical method for the determination of residues of hexogene and other explosives in fish

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-1329-033
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2005 - 2006


Evidence of a possible formation of benzene from benzoic acid in beverages

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-1322-216
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2006 - 2006


Examination of flame retardants with emphasis on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in human mothers milk from Germany

Project code: BfR-CHS-02-D 1331-15
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 6: Chemicals Safety
Contract period: 2002 - 2004


Expression of xenobioticametabolising Cytochrome P450 enzymes in human CD 34+ bone marrow stem cells

Project code: BfR-CHS-02-1322-191
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 6: Chemicals Safety
Contract period: 2004 - 2006


Genetic polymorphisms and variability of cytochrom P450 enzymes

Project code: BfR-CHS-02-L 1330-105
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 6: Chemicals Safety
Contract period: 2002 - 2005


Genotoxicity of flavouring substances

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-52-002
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2002 - 2006


Hydrolysis of flavouring substances

Project code: BfR-LMS-02-L 121-01
Excutive institution: BfR - Department 5: Food Safety
Contract period: 2002 - 2005


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